
Friday Night [Epilogue Part 2]

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       Blake was still reeling from the contents of Yang’s scroll. She had only scratched the surface of the fifty page story about the blonde’s fantasies, but it was still awkward to know that her teammate and partner was writing such material behind her back. If it had been an innocent story about Team RWBY fighting Grimm, everything would have been fine. Instead, Yang had written about Black and Weiss having sex. And then she introduced herself to the situation. Blake bit her lip and looked at Weiss, who was sitting at her desk.
       Though the heiress had said she needed to study, it was obvious that she was stressed. Her posture was slightly straighter, and her hair didn’t look like it had been combed to perfection. Blake couldn’t remember if Weiss had moved since she sat down. After they found out what Yang was doing and the blonde made her impressive escape, Weiss had become so furious that nuclear meltdowns were tame in comparison. Everyone had become a target, even poor Ruby, who was just an innocent bystander. Blake’s ears still rang, but she knew the heiress didn’t mean any of the harsh comments she threw at everyone. Whether everyone else knew that or not was the real problem.
       Despite it all, Blake’s fingers drummed against her leg. She wanted to be there for Weiss to minimize the damage from the next flood of fury, but she also wanted to keep reading what Yang wrote. A quick glance had shown some very interesting material; particularly a moment where Weiss was sandwiched between the two standing, taller members of Team RWBY. Just thinking about it was enough to make her face flush comfortably.
       “You’ve been very quiet, Blake.”
       Blake twitched her cat ears. This conversation was going to be a minefield.
       “I have been.”
       Blake rolled off her bed and sauntered towards Weiss, who was still staring at her desk.
       “So what are your thoughts?”
       Instead of answering, Blake put her hands on Weiss’s shoulders. The heiress jumped, but it was felt rather than seen. There had been enough disasters that left the black-haired girl with plenty of methods to calm down the raging heiress. Blake pressed her fingertips down and rubbed.
       “That’s not going to work on me this time,” Weiss moaned. Her head lolled to the side.
       “I beg to differ.”
       Blake was about to begin in earnest, which would obliterate Weiss’s anger and let them all have a great day. A smooth, perfectly manicured hand placed itself over hers. Blake frowned while Weiss couldn’t see. Why couldn’t anything in life be easy for once?
       “I mean it, Blake. Are you okay with your partner writing about you like that?” Weiss looked up to reveal her face was red, though whether it was because of the brief massage or because of Yang’s scroll was unknown. Still, Blake acknowledged that it was a good question. Was she truly okay with Yang fantasizing about herself having sex with them? “Awkward” wouldn’t be a strong enough word to describe the next team meeting. Weiss tightened her grip. She was hoping for an answer.
       “Honestly, no. I’m not alright with it, and I think we should definitely talk to Yang about what she’s thinking.”
       Weiss’s icy eyes scanned Blake. The black-haired girl had asked the heiress what she was looking for when she became silent and contemplative, but the only response was a harshly stated, “I’m just admiring how beautiful you are.” The answer had not told Blake anything, and as she subjected herself to scrutiny, maintained her usual, impassive look.
       Whatever Weiss saw was apparently to her liking, as her features softened and a small smile started to grow. Blake seized the opportunity to lean down and plant a kiss on Weiss’s cheek. Blake felt her eagerness grow. The scroll was still on the bed, but that was full of Yang’s thoughts. The real Weiss was underneath her and the beds were just a step away. And there was always the floor. Although would Weiss be okay with it? She was the one to always say she wasn’t ready. The thoughts only lasted a moment and Blake pulled away from a satisfied-looking Weiss.
       “So we’re in agreement about Yang,” Weiss said.
       “Of course. If she ever comes back.”
       “She will. She left her Achieve Men poster.”
       “They’re not really expensive. You can pick those up for about ten lien.”
       “Really?” Weiss looked the poster over. “Can’t say I’m surprised.”
       The scroll beckoned. Blake tightened her grip on Weiss’s shoulders until the heiress focused on her. “Now that we have a plan for Yang, I think you should apologize to Ruby for what you said. She didn’t deserve that.”
       Weiss lowered her gaze, abashed. Blake swallowed against the heat rising from her cheeks. The beds were so close. Did her heart feel like it was going to explode? Was she holding her breath? Could Weiss leave already?
       “You’re right. I should have done that already.” Weiss stood up and let Blake’s hands slide off her shoulders. The heiress took a moment to compose her usual, icy exterior: head straightforward, shoulders back, spine straight, and an expression that mixed angry and indifferent all in one. Though Blake wanted Weiss to go so she could have the afternoon with the scroll, she couldn’t resist the opportunity to smash the mask.
       “Hey,” Blake said, quickly moving forward when Weiss was at the door.
       “What is i—” the words died as Blake seized Weiss’s chin and brought the heiress into a full, passionate kiss. The heiress melted immediately, throwing her arms around Blake and holding on as if her life depended on it. Blake waited until Weiss’s first shudder before letting her go. Weiss held on for a few moments after, making sure to let go when she was satisfied and not a moment sooner. When she stepped back, Weiss’s face only had a tint of red, which was a vast improvement over the first time they kissed, and it still made Blake happy to know the heiress wasn’t completely made of ice. “You’re the worse,” Weiss muttered and flew out of the door.
       Blake called out, “Love you!”
       Then she waited one beat. Two. No response.
       She hopped on her bed and opened the scroll. After being the best girlfriend ever, Blake decided that she deserved that little treat.

       Weiss resisted the urge to give in to her rising irritation. She had set off from her dorm with the intention of finding Ruby, but the redhead was in none of the places she looked: the library, the cafeteria, and the gym. It didn’t help that Beacon was a large campus that demanded its students to move with purpose and not idly drift around from building to building. Weiss considered calling Ruby’s scroll, even if that would cheapen the apology.
       Such actions were not required. As Weiss walked around the fountain, where a rabbit Faunus girl was sitting with a doomed expression and clutching a piece of paper, Ruby came into view. The redhead was sitting on a bench that faced the surrounding forest. A red hood obscured her features, but she didn’t look up as Weiss approached.
       “Ruby,” Weiss called.
       The redhead in question jolted upright. She looked at Weiss and froze. Her rigid posture told Weiss all she needed to know: Ruby was expecting another tantrum. An iron ball of regret formed in her stomach as she remembered the way she scolded the younger girl. However, just because she knew she was wrong did not make the apology come easily. The words caught in her throat, and Weiss decided that she would just have to get them all out at once.  
       Weiss took a deep breath and blurted, “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”
       As if a switch had been flipped, Ruby’s normal smile returned. Weiss could see the little spark in those large, silver eyes that often meant one thing: a hug was coming. As if on cue, Ruby wrapped her arms around the heiress and made an excited squeal. Weiss rolled her eyes and returned the gesture. She couldn’t help but notice that Ruby’s hair smelled like strawberries.
       “Apology accepted,” Ruby chirped.
       Weiss would have been lying if she said that Ruby’s acceptance didn’t make her feel a little bit happier. It did a good job of combating the arousal that Blake had stirred up, which the heiress would deny to the grave if she was ever asked about it. Why was Ruby still hugging her?
       “You can let go now,” Weiss said.
       Ruby stiffened and moved away. “Sorry,” she said with a chuckle. “I just thought that since you kept going, I should as well. Plus your heartbeat was really soothing.” Ruby’s smiling face showed that she felt no shame in saying something like that.
       Weiss raised an eyebrow. She would have mentioned it if she hadn’t heard worse. “Have you not been sleeping well?”
       “Uh, no, not really.” Ruby looked over Weiss’s shoulder. “This school is just a little bit harder than I thought it would be, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
       Weiss nodded, though she couldn’t completely relate. “Regardless, that’s not a reason to sleep outside when you have a perfectly serviceable bed.”
       Ruby cocked her head to the side. “Um. What?”
       “Weren’t you sleeping just now?”
       “Nope. I was meditating.”
       Weiss pursed her lips. She had never expected the energetic redhead could have the patience to sit still long enough for meditation. But she had also thought that Ruby wouldn’t take her studies seriously, and now she had loads of evidence that suggested otherwise. “I never would have thought you could do something like that.”
       The redhead flashed a large grin. “I’m just full of surprises!”
       “So is your sister,” Weiss said.
       Ruby frowned. “Yeah, kinda.” She sat in silence for a moment before asking, “Are you mad at her?”
       “Yes. It’s not very comforting to know that someone is writing that sort of material behind my back.”
       Ruby nodded. “But you still know she’s a good person, right?”
       Weiss looked at her hands. Ruby was just looking out for her sister. The heiress immediately wanted to argue against the point, but the words got stuck in her throat. Could Yang be considered a good person just because a good person vouched for her? Somehow, the points she could make sounded petty, and she had set out with the intention of making Ruby feel better because of the previous tantrum. There was no need to start another.
       “I think she’s currently misguided.” Weiss leaned forward. “That’s why, when she comes back, Blake and I will be having a little talk with her.”
       “That doesn’t answer my question.”
       Weiss attempted to respond, but she felt like a truck had run into her. The next thing she knew, Ruby was just a speck as the heiress was spirited away.

       Blake should have been disturbed by what she read. The amount of detail in the story was uncanny. There was no way Yang could have known so much about them, especially when they hadn’t had sex, so there was no spying going on, which was a small comfort. But that meant that every aspect was imagined solely by Yang, which was largely unsettling. How long had the blonde been having her thoughts and expanding upon her desires?
       Questions surfaced and Blake wanted answers, but a haze formed in her head while she was reading and blocked out all thoughts. Logic had become difficult to form. Blake shook her head to clear out the fog, but it remained stuck in the images from the story. Mental constructions of Weiss sprawled out beneath her on their bed plagued Blake and she lowered her head.
       She couldn’t deny it. The story had turned her on. The faint reflection on the scroll’s screen showed that her face had grown red, and the weight in her chest gave her all the knowledge she needed. All thoughts and intentions to find and talk to Yang about her story vanished. At that moment, there was only one thing she wanted. She needed Weiss.
       As if on cue, her ears perked at the sound of the heiress’s voice coming from the window. Blake rolled out of her bed and scanned for the one she wanted. Her heart almost stopped when she saw that Weiss wasn’t alone. On the bench, sitting next to her, was Ruby. Why did that surprise her? Didn’t she want Weiss to find Ruby? Blake squinted. The two partners were sitting awfully close together. Was Weiss attempting to kiss Ruby?
A spike drove itself into her lust-ridden heart at the thought. If Weiss was going after Ruby, then that meant that she wouldn’t want to be around Blake anymore, which would be awful for Blake because the only one she wanted right then and there was Weiss. Her chest felt lighter as she stumbled down the turning path of logic. When she reached the end of the path, she realized that what anyone else wanted didn’t matter. No one could have Weiss but her, which was a fact that Blake would have to remind the icy heiress. She flashed a large grin, as if the lower half of her face had become a crescent moon of teeth. Her fog-filled mind allowed all of her lustful thoughts to pass to the forefront unmolested. There was no way around it, Blake decided. She would simply have to remind Weiss of her place.
       Blake leapt out the window, a drop of ink on the canvas of a beautiful summer day. She landed on her feet and was still for only a moment before the coils in her legs propelled her forward to her unsuspecting prey.  

      Ruby had felt happiness before, but sitting outside with Weiss always made her feel lighter. She would think back to their explosive meeting and then compare it to wherever the two partners were then. Even though the current conversation was about Yang’s unsavory fantasies, Ruby could tell that Weiss was making an effort to be civil when it would be easier for the heiress to say what was truly on her mind. The redhead beamed on the inside.  
       Then Weiss disappeared, ensnared by a black blur.
       Ruby blinked once as she tried to comprehend what had just happened. Had a Grimm just taken her partner? Panic gripped Ruby and she activated her semblance in pursuit, but the monster was making tremendous leaps away from the campus. Ruby reached under her cape and pulled out her weapon. Beacon had a strict policy against shooting outside of the designated firing ranges, but if a Grimm had taken Weiss, surely the faculty would make an exception?
       A second later, Ruby noticed that she was surrounded by trees and the “no shooting” rule no longer applied. She fired once and flew forward. But she couldn’t see the Grimm anymore. She couldn’t see Weiss. Blood pounding in her ears, Ruby forced herself to slow down. It wouldn’t do her any good if she kept running in a random direction, but at the same time, her body felt like it wanted to go in every direction. She took a deep breath and looked around. A true Huntress could track her prey.
       A fleck of white caught her eye. Ruby mentally thanked Weiss for wearing such a garish outfit and set off again. However, instead of finding her partner, all she found was Weiss’s jacket. Ruby noticed that there was no blood and felt a weight fall from her shoulders. However, what sort of Grimm would possibly remove an article of clothing without harming the captive? Wouldn’t they normally go straight for the kill? Ruby frowned. Just what was she up against?

       Once Beacon was a distant memory, Blake dropped Weiss unceremoniously on the ground. The heiress’s eyes shot open at the sudden disposal and her face was red. She started to get up, indignant, but Blake pounced on Weiss and forced her to lie on her stomach.
       “Stop it! What’s gotten into you?” Weiss shouted. She got her hands under her, but she was pinned when Blake straddled her back. “Blake, get off of me this instant!”
       Blake grunted and clamped her lips onto the heiress’s neck. She let the tips of her teeth rake Weiss’s skin, causing her prey to shiver and stop talking. Before Weiss could compose herself, Blake licked Weiss’s cheek and purred, “You’re mine. No one else’s.”
       The icy glare had vanished. The irritation had been replaced by need. “Blake,” Weiss said, resigned to her fate. “Please be gentle.”
       The black-haired girl grinned. She grabbed Weiss’s butt and squeezed until the heiress squeaked. “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”
Blake licked Weiss’s exposed back and made sure to run her teeth over the top of the heiress’s shoulder blades. Her mind provided a detail from the story. Fictional Yang had wrapped her hand in Weiss’s ponytail. It had given her more control. More dominance. Blake knew that she wouldn’t normally do something so rough, but she felt like the situation demanded it. She followed Yang’s instructions and tugged Weiss’s hair to further expose her neck. The heiress hitched a breath and Blake lowered herself until there was no empty space between their bodies. She buried her nose behind Weiss’s ear and inhaled. The heiress smelled like cherry shampoo with a hint of sweat. Blake flicked at Weiss’s earlobe with her tongue and purred, “You’ve been a very bad girl, Weiss. Now I’m going to make sure you never look at another girl again.”  

       Ruby was confident that the Grimm’s trail hadn’t gotten cold, but she was concerned that she couldn’t hear Weiss. Was she too late? Was the Grimm too fast?
       A loud groan caught her attention. In an explosion of rose petals, Ruby ran towards the sound, scythe ready to slay anything in her way. The trees were thinning and a small clearing could be seen. Every fiber of her body wanted to burst into the area and save Weiss, but Ruby decided to slow down for just a fraction of a second to see what she was up against. She stuck her head around the last tree and finally saw Weiss and the Grimm that had taken her.
       The redhead hadn’t expected to see the heiress pinned by Blake.
       Weiss was lying on her stomach, her eyes glazed and unfocused as the black-haired girl alternated between licking and biting any of the heiress’s exposed skin. Both of their faces were flushed red, but whether it was because of their exertions or embarrassment for doing such acts in the open was beyond Ruby. The heiress’s mouth was stuck in a dopey smile, opening and closing, but Ruby couldn’t hear any words.
       The blood pounding in Ruby’s ears from her fear-driven pursuit was replaced by the sound of her heart beating like a drum. She felt like her face was on fire. Common sense abandoned her and she was stripped to her base instincts. Ruby filled her lungs to their full capacity and screamed while running the way she had come. Consequences be damned, she had to get as far away from the two lovers as she could before she lost her mind.

        Ruby sat in a janitor’s closet. Her butt was sore and her back ached from being in there for so long, but there were no other safe havens. The dorm room was compromised. At any moment, Weiss and Blake could come back and continue what they had started. And worse, Yang could come back and join them. Ruby groaned and rested her head on her knees. Either way, she was a goner. She had seen too much that evening to ever be considered sane again. She’d have to see a psychiatrist. Get medications. Rinse and repeat. She would possibly have to forget becoming a Huntress. Who would want a mentally unsound person fighting alongside them?
       The redhead reached behind her and pulled out her compacted scythe. She held it closely to her chest and let the familiar presence calm her. “At least you won’t be doing anything like that. Right, Crescent?”  
       A tense moment of silence. The confines of the janitor’s closet suddenly became smaller.
       “Crescent?” The silence loomed. Ruby’s vision shrank until all she could see was her beloved weapon.
       Ruby held the scythe closer to her ear. The response was enough to make her scream again. “You and Ember Celica?”
Let me hit you up with some things about this story:

1) I won't be expanding on the little Velvet cameo. I'm going to wait until she has more personality in the show before writing about her. That doesn't mean I don't want to. I just don't want to write a story that is completely off the mark and then newer fans come back and see that story and think of how uneducated I am. The thought terrifies me.

2) I don't like the title, but since this is a direct follow-up to the events in the epilogue, I figure that this is appropriate.

3) This story is now done. I will not add more to "Friday Night." However, it would make me very happy if you read the original "Friday Night" because I spent a lot of time on it.

4) This story should have been done a week ago but I was too busy playing Dark Souls 2. PC gaming is the devil, I tell you.

5) This is the closest I will ever get to writing a sex scene.
© 2014 - 2024 ObeseCommando
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BellaTytus's avatar
i read through  all of  your  story  (from  Friday  Night to  the epilogue  to this) and  feel like there's still just  one lose end to tie  up  - What  did Weiss and Blake plan for  Yang? i mean  that  was fairly  open ended.  i do like  that  like  bit at the end with Ruby -  poor girl.